RTSH 1 HD 4.5/5 - 11 hlasů


Umístění: Albánie
Kategorie: Veřejná Televize
RTSH 1 HD na sociálních sítích: RTSH 1 HD RTSH 1 HD RTSH 1 HD RTSH 1 HD
Radio Televizioni Shqiptar ( RTSH) is the public broadcaster of Albania, founded in 1938 in Tirana.
RTSH runs two analogue television stations RTSH 1 and RTSH 2 (formerly known as TVSH and TVSH 2, standing for Televizioni Shqiptar),
It runs 2 DVB-T2 multiplexers, one national with the RTSH channels and the second one for local channels. There are 12 TV channels in the first multiplexer and 5 radio channels. RTSH also runs a Satellite Multiplexer with 6 channels,

Související televizní kanály

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Super Sonic mban emrin kompania qe boton muziken Shqiptare. Fillimet jane ne vitin 1992. Nder te parat shtepi...