Aghapy TV

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Umbes Aghapy TV

Asukoht: Egiptus
Kategooria: Religioon
Aghapy TV sotsiaalsetes võrgustikes: Aghapy TV Aghapy TV
Aghapy TV, the very first Coptic Orthodox Christian satellite channel, aims to serve Christians worldwide through the broadcast of spiritual, social and health-related programmes.
It had long been a desire for Coptic Orthodox Christians to have their own satellite channel, which would bring the richness of the Coptic Orthodox Church into the home of every church member, and to allow all to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. From learning Coptic hymns to being edified by spiritual sermons, these were some of the benefits of such a channel envisaged by His Grace Bishop Botros, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church, founder and director of Aghapy TV.

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