Nour Al Sharq

Nour Al Sharq 5/5 - 1 voti

Di Nour Al Sharq

Posizione: Libano
Categoria: Religione
Nour Al Sharq sui social network: Nour Al Sharq
Today's media mainly marginalizes our youth , despite the fact that this element is the one that most needs a media to guide it, help it express its thoughts and speak to it.
That is why Telelumiere dedicates a station for the youth. This station provides them with a channel to express themselves, discuss with others, and search for the values that strengthen the foundations of education.
Under the motto , "Nour al Shabab" is "the channel for youths", Noursat launched its second satellite, Nour al-Shabab. It broadcast a wide variety of programs that answer the questions of youths, cover their activities, observe their dreams, and march onward with them towards the future.

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