قناة الفيحاء الفضائية - Al Fayhaa TV

قناة الفيحاء الفضائية - Al Fayhaa TV 0/5 - 0 votos

Sobre قناة الفيحاء الفضائية - Al Fayhaa TV

Localização: Iraque
Categoria: Público
قناة الفيحاء الفضائية - Al Fayhaa TV nas Redes Sociais: قناة الفيحاء الفضائية - Al Fayhaa TV
Al-Fayhaa TV is an independent Arabic television channel broadcasting from Suleymaniyah, Iraq and is owned by Mohammad Al-Tay. The channel was founded on July 25, 2004. The channel broadcasts news and political and cultural programming with a Shia Islam-leniency, but liberal.

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