TV Channels

    Extra TV
    Greece / Local
    Με την δυναμική του παρουσία το Extra Channel έχει κερδίσει την εμπιστοσύνη των τηλεθεατών που απαιτούν έγκυρη...
    Viewers: 9 749 | Rating: 4.6 from 5 - 5 votes

    Extra TV 42
    Costa Rica / Public
    Somos un medio de comunicación miembro de Grupo Extra. Usted puede disfrutar de la transmisión en vivo del "canal...
    Viewers: 9 960 | Rating: 5 from 5 - 1 votes

    Extra TV 42
    Spain / Public
    Con una visión y misión destinada a cubrir y satisfacer necesidades de un pueblo; se fundó en el año mil novecientos...
    Viewers: 10 346 | Rating: 4.6 from 5 - 5 votes

    Eyaka nabod - قناة إياك نعبد
    Saudi Arabia / Religion
    قناة فضائية، على نايلسات، ليس فيها إلا القرآن، تلاوات مباركة، مصحوبة بالنص القرآني، ومعاني الكلمات، ومقاصد السور،...
    Viewers: 7 516 | Rating: 4 from 5 - 2 votes

    Face TV
    New Zealand / Entertainment
    Face is a registered charity supported by the Lion Foundation and Foundation North. It is a national broadcaster and...
    Viewers: 6 575 | Rating: 0 from 5 - 0 votes

    Face TV
    Bosnia and Herzegovina / Public
    FACE TV or FACE TV HD is a Bosnian commercial HDTV television channel based in Sarajevo. The founder of FACE TV is...
    Viewers: 35 597 | Rating: 3.7 from 5 - 55 votes

    Facetas TV
    Bolivia / Public
    Facetas Televisión ( FTV) es un canal de televisión boliviano, especializado en deporte, que se emite por cable,...
    Viewers: 7 000 | Rating: 0 from 5 - 0 votes

    Fadak TV - قناة فدك الفضائية
    Iran / Local
    Fadak Satellite Channel is a Shia Muslim channel that was founded by a group of Shia Muslims in the United Kingdom with...
    Viewers: 8 459 | Rating: 2.5 from 5 - 2 votes

    Făgăraș TV
    Romania / Local
    Televiziunea Țării Făgărașului. FTV cu sediul în Făgăraş, emite din 19 februarie 1998 şi putem spune că a venit ca o...
    Viewers: 10 522 | Rating: 4.6 from 5 - 5 votes

    Fairfax Channel 16
    United States / Local
    Fairfax County Government - Channel 16 is an internet and cable television station in Fairfax, Virginia, United States,...
    Viewers: 11 990 | Rating: 4.6 from 5 - 5 votes

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