Press TV

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關於 Press TV

地點: 伊朗
類別: 新聞電視
Press TV 在社交網絡上: Press TV Press TV Press TV
Press TV is a 24-hour English- and French-language news and documentary network affiliated with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Press TV is headquartered in Tehran and is extensively networked with bureaus in various cities. The service is aimed at the overseas market, similar to DD India, WION, BBC World News, DW, France 24 and RT.


伊朗 / 公共電視
IRIB was the first national television channel in Iran, and is now the oldest Iranian television channel having been...

IRIB Mahabad TV
伊朗 / 公共電視
صدا و سیمای مرکز مهاباد یکی از مراکز صدا و سیمای جمهوری اسلامی ایران است که در شهرستان مهاباد فعالیت می‌کند....

IRIB Zagros TV
伊朗 / 公共電視
IRIB was the first national television channel in Iran, and is now the oldest Iranian television channel having been...

IRIB Azerbaijan TV
伊朗 / 當地電視
شبکه استانی سیمای آذربایجان غربی، شبکۀ محلی صدا و سیمای مرکز آذربایجان غربی است که فعالیت آن از سال ۱۳۷۷ آغاز شده‌است....

IRIB Jahanbin TV
伊朗 / 公共電視
IRIB was the first national television channel in Iran, and is now the oldest Iranian television channel having been...